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RegistrationRegister(s): Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register, Voluntary Childcare Register
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About Premier Care - Oxley (SW)
- Type: Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of school day care
- Local authority: Milton Keynes
View location on Google maps- Address: Oxley Park Academy Shenley Wood, Merlewood Drive, Shenley Wood, Milton Keynes, MK5 6GG
- Region: South East
Contact details and general enquiries
- Telephone: 07500445952
Registered by Shirley Sports Limited
Open to show all providers under the same Registered Person
- Premeir Care Green Park
- Premier - Bow Brickhill
- Premier - Cecil Road
- Premier - Christ the Sower
- Premier - Cobham
- Premier - Cranfield
- Premier - Dunton Green
- Premier - Greenfield
- Premier - Holy Trinity
- Premier - Kents Hill Park
- Premier - Leybourne Chase
- Premier - Leybourne SP&SP
- Premier - Priory Rise
- Premier - Russell Lower
- Premier - St Johns
- Premier - St Joseph's
- Premier - West Malling
- Premier - Westoning
- Premier - Whitehouse
- Premier - Willen
- Premier - Wyvern
- Premier Camps - Bushfield
- Premier Care - Oxley (OP)
- Premier Care Club
- Premier Care Club
- Premier Care Club
- Premier Care Club - Elstow
- Premier Care Club - Smsg
- Premier Care Russell Street
- Premier Care TSG
- Premier Holiday Club - Monkston
- Premier - Castle Newnham Closed
- Premier - Greenleys Infant Closed
- Premier - Whaddon Closed
- Premier Camps - Water Hall Closed
- Premier Care - Cobham Closed
- Premier Care Club - Hawthorn Closed
- Premier Care Silsoe Closed
- Premier Care West Malling Closed
- Premier Care Whaddon Closed
- Premier Holiday Club Closed
- Premier Holiday Club Closed
- Premier Holiday Club Closed
- Premier Holiday Club - Cotton End Closed
- Premier Holiday Club - Oxley Park Closed
- Premier Holiday Club - Wixams Tree Closed
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