Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
URN: 151151
Address: Langford Drive, Stopsley, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 9AJ ST THOMAS CATHOLIC ACADEMIES TRUSTRating and reports
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About Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
- Type: Academy
- Boarding: No
- Religious character: Roman Catholic
- Local authority: Luton
- Age Range: 4 - 11
- Gender: Mixed
- School capacity: 420
View location on Google maps- Address: Langford Drive, Stopsley, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 9AJ
- Region: East of England
Contact details and general enquiries
- Principal: Mrs Gabrielle Somes
- Telephone: 01582287480
- Fax: 01582730704
- Website:
Open to show all Academies in this Trust
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At the same postcode
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