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There may not be a report because each year we inspect 1 in 10 of those who are only on the Childcare Register.
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RegistrationRegister(s): Voluntary Childcare Register
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About Marie Redmond Tuition
- Type: Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
- Local authority: Wokingham
View location on Google maps- Address: Cavity Dental, 614 Reading Road, Winnersh, Wokingham, RG41 5HE
- Region: South East
Contact details and general enquiries
- Telephone: 01494 956809
Registered by Marie Redmond Tuition Ltd
Open to show all providers under the same Registered Person
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition
- Marie Redmond Tuition Ltd
- Marie Redmond Tuition Ltd
- Marie Redmond Tuition Closed
- Marie Redmond Tuition Closed
- Marie Redmond Tuition Closed
- Marie Redmond Tuition Closed
- Marie Redmond Tuition Ltd Closed
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