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RegistrationRegister(s): Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register, Voluntary Childcare Register
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About The Strings Club - Walthamstow Holiday Camp
- Type: Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of school day care
- Local authority: Waltham Forest
View location on Google maps- Address: Stoneydown Park Primary School, Pretoria Avenue, LONDON, E17 6JY
- Region: London
Contact details and general enquiries
- Telephone: 0121 296 9204
Registered by The Strings Club Limited
Open to show all providers under the same Registered Person
- The Strings Club - Balham Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Blackheath Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Brockley Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Brockley Holiday Camp (Myatt Garden School)
- The Strings Club - Dulwich Holiday Camp (James Allen's Girls' School)
- The Strings Club - Dulwich Holiday Camp (St Saviour's School)
- The Strings Club - Fulham Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Fulham Holiday Camp (Fulham Primary School)
- The Strings Club - Greenwich Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Hackney Holiday Camp (Gainsborough School)
- The Strings Club - Hackney Holiday Camp (Holy Trinity School)
- The Strings Club - Hampstead Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Hampstead Holiday Camp (Hampstead Parochial Primary))
- The Strings Club - Hampstead Holiday Camp (The Village Prep)
- The Strings Club - Hampstead Holiday Camp - The King Alfred School
- The Strings Club - Harborne Holiday Camp (Hallfield School)
- The Strings Club - Harborne Holiday Camp (Harborne Academy)
- The Strings Club - Islington Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Islington Holiday Camp (Drayton Park Primary)
- The Strings Club - Leamington Spa Holiday Camp (Lillington Primary School)
- The Strings Club - Muswell Hill (Coleridge Primary)
- The Strings Club - Muswell Hill (St James' CE School)
- The Strings Club - Muswell Hill Holiday Camp (Eden Primary School)
- The Strings Club - Richmond Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Richmond Holiday Camp (Tower House School)
- The Strings Club - Streatham Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Tower Hamlets Holiday Camp
- The Strings Club - Walthamstow Holiday Camp (Edinburgh School)
- The Strings Club - Westminster Holiday Camp (Eaton Square School)
- Leamington Spa - The Strings Club Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Dulwich Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Dulwich Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Hackney Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Islington Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Muswell Hill Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Sutton Coldfield Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Tooting Holiday Camp Closed
- The Strings Club - Tooting Holiday Camp (Franciscan Primary) Closed
- The Strings Club - Tooting Holiday Camp (Sellincourt Primary) Closed
- The Strings Club - Walthamstow Holiday Camp Closed
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