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RegistrationRegister(s): Early Years Register
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About Farcet Village Nursery
- Type: Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
- Local authority: Cambridgeshire
View location on Google maps- Address: Brightfields Children's Centre, St Mary's Street, Farcet, Peterborough, PE7 3AR
- Region: East of England
Contact details and general enquiries
- Telephone: 01733 241 455/07562642853
Registered by Pre-School Learning Alliance
Open to show all providers under the same Registered Person
- Acorn Grove Nursery
- Asylum Childcare Project Creche
- Bees in the Hive Pre-School
- Brookvale Nursery
- Centre Place Nursery
- Cockleshell Nursery
- Early Birds Nursery
- Eyrescroft Pre-School
- Fox Hollies Childrens Centre
- Foxcubs Nursery
- Godmanchester Pre-School
- Kilton Childcare
- Ladybirds Neighbourhood Nursery
- Ladywell Preschool
- Laindon Neighbourhood Nursery
- Langar Nursery
- Little Palms
- Longstanton Pre-School
- Lydgate Pre-School
- Northend Nursery
- Northlands Park Nursery
- Park Town Pre- School
- Poppies Nursery
- Pre-School Learning Alliance Bulwell Childcare
- Pre-School Learning Alliance Langley Mill Childcare
- Pre-School Learning Alliance New Woods Childcare
- Pre-school Learning Alliance Bestwood Childcare Centre
- Saffron Pre-School
- Shoebury Nursery
- Storkway Nursery
- Sundon Stars Pre-School
- Sunshine Corner Nursery
- The Discovery Pre-School
- The Oak Tree Neighbourhood Nursery
- The Woodside Centre
- Tipton Nursery
- West Street Neighbourhood Nursery
- William Gladstone Childcare
- Yarnton Way Nursery
- Arbury Pre-School Closed
- Ashby Neighbourhood Nursery Closed
- Brinsley Childcare Closed
- Camelot Pre-School Closed
- Charlton Family Centre Closed
- Cherry Blossom Pre-School Closed
- Doddington Green Neighbourhood Nursery Closed
- Edith Kerrison Creche Closed
- Egloskerry Nursery Closed
- Felling Pre-School Closed
- First Steps St Matthews Closed
- Footsteps Nursery Closed
- Fulbourn Pre-School Closed
- Hanbury's Farm Pre-School Closed
- Happitots Community Pre School Closed
- Hartford Nursery Closed
- Hatherton Pre-School Closed
- Home Office Creche Closed
- Home Office Creche - Leeds Closed
- Home Office Creche Hounslow Closed
- Keir Hardie Creche Closed
- Kester Pre-School Closed
- Keystone Neighbourhood Nursery Closed
- Langold Nursery Closed
- Lightcliffe Pre-School Closed
- Lime Row Childcare Closed
- Linthwaite Clough Community Childcare Group Closed
- Oakhill Preschool Closed
- Oliver Thomas Creche Closed
- Pebbles Pre-School Closed
- Pre-School Learning Alliance Greasley Beau Vale Childcare Closed
- Pre-School Learning Alliance Newstead Childcare Closed
- Pre-School Learning Alliance Selston Childcare Closed
- Puddlebrook Pre-School Closed
- Red Lion Childcare Closed
- Redhill Nursery Closed
- Seashells Nursery Closed
- Sunshine Under Fives Closed
- The Round House Pre-School Closed
- Thornton Lodge Early Years Centre Closed
- Trumpington Park Early Years And Childcare Closed
- Tyne View Pre-School Closed
- Westover Pre-School Closed
- Winyates Pre-School Closed
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