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Busy Bees Day Nursery at Camberley

URN: EY424426

Address: Park House East, Heathcote Road, CAMBERLEY, Surrey, GU15 2EU

Rating and reports

All reports

  1. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 20 April 2023
  2. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 31 August 2017
  3. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 02 July 2015
  4. Monitoring visit Monitoring visit, PDF - 25 April 2015
  5. Monitoring visit Monitoring visit, PDF - 26 February 2015
  6. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 20 February 2015
  7. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 20 August 2014
  8. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 25 December 2013
  9. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 17 January 2013
  10. Inspection Inspection, PDF - 07 December 2011
  11. Registration
    Register(s): Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register
  12. Opened

Next inspection

Early Years Register

Providers on the Early Years Register will normally be inspected at least once within a 6-year window.

We will prioritise the first inspection of newly registered providers on the Early Years register. This will normally be within 30 months of their registration date.

Good or outstanding - We will inspect them at least once within a 6-year window from their last inspection.

Requires improvement - We usually re-inspect all childminders, pre-school provision and nursery provision within 12 months of the latest inspection.

Inadequate - We re-inspect all provision within six months of the latest inspection.


Group provision will normally receive a telephone call at around midday on the working day before the start of the inspection.

Group providers that do not operate regularly, will usually receive a call no more than five days before the inspection.

We can also inspect without notice.


Childcare Register

Each year, we inspect 1 in 10 of those who are only on the Childcare Register.

We do not inspect any provider on the Childcare Register until it has been registered for at least 3 months unless we receive information about possible non-compliance.

We will usually only inspect a provider on the Childcare Register once in any 12-month period unless we receive concerns.


For inspections of providers of childcare on domestic premises that operate regularly, we will carry out an unannounced inspection.

For all other inspections (childminders, nannies and childcare on non-domestic premises and childcare on domestic premises that does not operate regularly), we give no more than five days’ notice.

We can also inspect without notice.


About Busy Bees Day Nursery at Camberley

  • Type: Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
  • Local authority: Surrey


View location on Google maps
  • Address: Park House East, Heathcote Road, CAMBERLEY, Surrey, GU15 2EU
  • Region: South East

Contact details and general enquiries

  • Telephone: 01276 675857

Registered by Busy Bees Nurseries Limited

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