On 1 October 2017, Aylesbury College and Amersham and Wycombe College merged to become Buckinghamshire College Group. Only reports published after 1 October 2017 are for the merged college.
Rating and reports
Inspection outcome
The overall outcome of the inspection on 9 November 2021 was:
GoodQuality of education:
GoodBehaviour and attitudes:
GoodPersonal development:
GoodLeadership and management:
GoodEducation programmes for young people:
GoodAdult learning programmes:
GoodProvision for learners with high needs:
Requires ImprovementAll reports
Next inspection
About Buckinghamshire College Group
- Type: General Further Education and Tertiary
- Boarding: Unknown
- Religious character: Does Not Apply
- Local authority: Buckinghamshire
View location on Google maps- Address: Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8PD
- Region: South East
Contact details and general enquiries
- Principal: Ms Jenny Craig
- Website: http://www.buckscollegegroup.ac.uk
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